
2014-06-21 12:12

约翰霍普金斯大学的Matthew Green教授致函一位TrueCrypt开发者,询问fork的可行性。

这位TrueCrypt开发者简短的回答:(墙外原文在此: )





He says:
"I am sorry, but I think what you're asking for here is impossible."

As a developer, he uses the term "impossible". Nobody says
"impossible" in a development framework. You could
say "difficult" or "expensive" but not "impossible".
He says "impossible" because he is telling us in
specific terms:

It is "impossible" to use the current code base because
it has been compromised. He can't talk about it. He is
under court order or some fucking thing.

Since he cant tell us where the compromise is
he says fuck it all and start from scratch.
He is very specific.

Look, if the developer of an encryption product
says the product is not secure and it is impossible
to fix, I take that as:

"Stay the fuck away from this thing".

To be forewarned...

